If you would like to listen to any of our past audio messages, click here
Your Vows: What Do they Mean?

To watch any session, click on the links below:
Session 1: For Better or Worse – Pastor Josh and Ashley Blevins – Click Here
Session 2:For Richer or Poorer – Pastor David and Rochelle Ax – Click Here
Session 3: In Sickness and in Health – Pastor Lin and Barbara Wells – Click Here
Session 4: Forsaking All Others – Pastor Shadrach and Melissa Means – Click Here
Session 5: Til Death Do Us Part – Pastor Josh and Ashley Blevins – Click Here
Calvary Couples Audio Messages now available:

Previous Events:

If you missed The Vow Conference with Dr. Kevin Leman, click here to buy the CD or DVD’s
The Marriage & Family Ministry is founded on the belief that we are called to live a life of love in our marriage & family in a godly manner and to put God first, our spouse second, and ourselves last. We choose to honor God above all in our marriage & family by submitting to the authority of His Word in all things, even at the sacrifice of our own desires. As we honor God, we must also honor the marriage & family that we have before God, and we must submit to His will with regard to marriage & family. This ministry seeks to encourage married, dating and engaged couples and families to build each other up spiritually and emotionally, to pray with one another and to submit to the authority of God’s Word.
- God designed marriage and the purpose of marriage is to reflect God’s glory (Gen 2)
- Marriage is a covenant – a permanent promise and bond between a man, and woman and God (Ecc 4:12).
- The husband is to be the servant-leader of the home, the wife is to be the helper – both have equal value, just different roles
- The responsibility of establishing a godly home and marriage falls upon the husband
- The marriage must be Christ-centered (Ps 127:1)
- The husband is to love wife as Christ loved the church (Eph 5:25)
- The husband is to cherish and nurture her (Eph 5:29)
- The husband is to lead his wife (Eph 5:23)
- The wife is to respect her husband (Eph 5:33)
- To be her husband’s helper (Gen 2:28)
- To encourage her husband to lead their families well
- Submitting to his leadership. Biblical submission means to yield to people, precepts, and principles that have been place in our lives by God as an authority.
- The Marriage & Family Ministry is designed to equip couples and families to seek God’s design rather than the cultural definition of marriage & family
- By focusing on God and His precepts of marriage, bad marriages can be prevented
- Good marriages are strengthened
- Troubled marriages are saved and
- Broken marriages are reconciled
- We desire to:
- First and foremost, glorify God
- Develop strong leaders who are committed to their own covenant of marriage
- To guide couples to make Jesus the very aspect of their lives
- Teach biblical truths about marriage
- Provide the opportunity for you to exercise the gifts that God has given you