Tools For Men: Love & Respect

Love and Respect in Marriage
To help you and your wife become intentional about meeting one another’s greatest need
Advance Preparation
- Schedule a dinner or coffee date
- Each spouse should listen to the 20 minute Love and Respect in Marriage presentation available from the @Home Room or download from For Men
- Each spouse should spend a few minutes writing down answers to the questions on the reverse side.
During The Date
Spend 15 minutes discussing your answers.
Getting Honest About
Love and Respect
Read aloud Ephesians 5:25-28 and answer the following questions…
- Do you agree that your wife’s primary marital need is to be cherished by you?
- What are some of the ways you try to show her sacrificial love?
- What are 2-3 ways she needs you to show love but that you might find difficult?
- What do you think your wife would say if invited to offer a few “baby step” suggestions on better meeting her needs?
Read aloud Ephesians 5:22-24 and answer the following questions…
- Do you agree that your husband needs to feel respected?
- What are some of the ways you try to show that you admire and respect him?
- What are 2-3 things he would appreciate but might be more difficult for you to do?
- What do you think your husband would say if invited to offer a few “baby step” suggestions on better meeting his needs?
Read aloud Ephesians 5:31-33. Then hold hands and pray these words…
Dear God:
Help us to better fulfill the purpose of our marriage by modeling the relationship between Christ and His Bride.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen