Tools For Men: Father/Son Movie Night

Father & Son Movie Night
To trigger a faith discussion between father and son.
Advance Preparation
- Select a guy movie you consider appropriate for your son’s age. Be sure to prescreen the film for potential offensive portions to skip. Examples might include…
- A Bug’s Life
- Tale of Despereaux
- Legend of the Guardians
- The Chronicles of Narnia
- Star Wars
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Captain America
- The Lord of the Rings
- Spider Man
- Invite your son to pick his favorite “guy meal” to enjoy with dad before watching the movie. You may want to barbeque burgers, pick up sub sandwiches or the ever popular pepperoni pizza.
- Make sure you have a Bible handy and some popcorn ready to pop and enjoy while watching the movie selection.
- Be prepared to discuss the questions on the reverse side in order to highlight the themes of popular stories that point us to the true story in which we live that includes good, evil, a villain and a hero.
Discuss It
After watching the film, ask your son the following questions.
- Describe the main character’s life at the beginning of the story. Is he successful? A failure? Does he wish for a bigger adventure or greater impact in the world?
- What threat does the world face? Is there someone who wants to destroy him, his family or community?
- What kind of obstacles (problems) must be overcome to defeat the threat? What sacrifice(s) must be made?
Think About It
Read each Bible passage and then talk about the way popular stories reflect the true story of God.
Discuss: Our real world has a villain named Satan who deceives us and creates other obstacles to keep us away from our ultimate destiny.
- Read I Corinthians 15:55-57
Discuss: God defeated the ultimate villain through Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. Every story that includes heroic self-sacrifice reflects the true story of God!
Discuss: God calls us as men to follow Christ’s example by laying down our own lives for those we love.
Other movie night ideas at