Tools For Men: Daddy & Daughter Movie Night

Daddy & Daughter Movie Night
To trigger a faith discussion between father and daughter.
Advance Preparation
- Select a princess movie you consider most appropriate for your daughter’s age/interests and have it ready for a special evening together. Options might include…
- Snow White
- Cinderella
- The Little Mermaid
- Sleeping Beauty
- Beauty and the Beast
- Enchanted
- The Princess Bride
- Invite your daughter to get dressed up for a special dinner together. You can do something fancy like dinner at a nice restaurant or simple like McDonalds or home-cooked fish sticks. Just be sure to make it an early dinner to leave time for you to watch and discuss the movie.
- Make sure you have a Bible handy and some popcorn ready to pop and enjoy while watching the movie selection.
Discuss It
After watching the film, ask your daughter the following questions.
- Describe the girl’s life at the beginning of the story. Is she happy? Does she wish for something more?
- What danger does the girl face? Is there anyone who wants to harm her or make her unhappy? What kind of obstacles (problems) must be overcome?
- What magical things happen to help make the girl’s dreams come true?
Think About It
Read each Bible passage and then talk about the way princess stories reflect the true story of God.
Discuss: Our real world has a villain named Satan who deceives us and creates other obstacles to keep us away from our happily-ever-after destiny.
- Read I Corinthians 15:55-57
Discuss: God defeated the villain with the “magic” (actually, the miracle) of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Now we can escape the darkness of sin and ‘marry’ the Son of the King!
Discuss: Little girls hope for “happily-ever-after” with a handsome prince because it points them to the true story where God invites us to live happily-ever-after as His bride.
Other movie night ideas at