Daddy & Daughter Dates
Establish the habit of taking time to connect with your daughter.
Advance Preparation
During the Date
1. Initiate meaningful conversation that is appropriate for the age of your daughter. This is the time for positive connection, so try to avoid issues that might come across as negative or that could create conflict. Use open ended questions like:
Listen to your daughter’s answers and ask more questions as she shares.
2. One of the main goals to begin a habit of daddy/daughter dates is to give your daughter a picture of and set the standard for how she should be treated by boys that may date her in the future. Make the most of any situation during your time together to pour into her as you show her respect and attention.
3. Choose a time to affirm and encourage your daughter. Give specific examples of things that you see in her and give her a vision for how God might use that in her future. If you brought a gift or note, use this time to give it to your daughter and bless her. For insights on giving a meaningful blessing watch the free BLESSING video at Coming soon: Faith Path.
4. Sometime during your date read 1 John 3:1 “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” Spend time telling your daughter about how much you love her and how much more her Heavenly Father loves her.
5. Take at least one picture so that you can capture the memory and look back on that time together. Consider starting a keepsake book of your daddy/daughter dates.
6. Plan the next date and get it on the calendar. Ask your daughter what she might enjoy doing during your special time together.