Recipe Cards

Strong Marriage Annual Plan

Best Use

As a date night discussion guide

Nutritional Value

Helps you plan what activities and time slots to protect during the coming twelve months for building a strong marriage.

Advance Preparation

  • Schedule a dinner or coffee date on or within a few days of New Years
  • Find your calendar or PDA to bring on the date
  • Each spouse spend time identifying several priorities to put on the calendar for the upcoming year (see reverse for ideas)

During The Date

  1. Complete the questionnaire on the reverse side together
  2. Schedule dates and times on both calendars to make sure your strong marriage priorities trump other commitments

Strong Marriage Priorities

Every married couple needs to be intentional in several areas.  Discuss the following questions together, then select an idea or create your own to put on your schedules.

Question:  How will we protect routine times for non task-driven communication?

□        Schedule an evening walk together twice weekly

□        Schedule a date night twice monthly

□        _________________________________________________

□        _________________________________________________

Question:  Should we read a book, attend a class, or seek guidance to improve a specific area of our marriage?

□        Shared vision and goals

□        Better communication

□        Romantic intimacy

□        Managing money

□        Parenting the kids

□        ___________________________________________________

□        ___________________________________________________

Question:  When do we think we will feel most stressed during the coming year so we can plan a weekend get-away together to recharge our batteries and rekindle romance?  ________________________

Where would we like to go that we can afford?  _______________

Who could watch the kids?  _______________________________

Question:  How can we help each other improve physically and emotionally?

□        Work out together

□        Eat out less often to cook healthy meals at home

□        Give each other time alone with God by watching kids, etc.

□        _________________________________________________________

□        _________________________________________________________

Question:  When will we incorporate the habit of praying together into our relationship?

□        At the end of evening walks twice weekly

□        Before going to sleep each night

□        ___________________________________________________

□        ___________________________________________________